Diverse & Circular Economy
Jump to a spot on our page!The Problem With Landfills
There's No Such Thing As "Away"
Although we may not see our trash again after we throw it away, the impacts of our waste are long-lasting. When waste, particularly organic waste, decomposes in a landfill, it produces methane, a greenhouse gas that is more potent and stays in the atmosphere longer than carbon dioxide. Landfills can also pose risks to human health and air quality.
Reducing the amount of waste that we produce while reusing materials and increasing recycling will offer new opportunities to both reduce emissions and diversify our economy.

Reimagined Economy
Increasing Our Diversion Rate
Clark County has set ambitious goals to encourage more recycling and reuse. Our diversion rate, or the amount of recycled material as a percent of total waste, grew from 8% in 2009 to 20% in 2019. With targets for a 40% diversion rate by 2030 and a 70% diversion rate by 2050, we are going above and beyond the statewide recycling goal of 25%.
To reach our 2050 goal, we will work hard to build on the progress already has made by expanding existing reuse and recycling programs. Toggle between the years 2019 and 2050 on the chart below to visualize what it will take to get to near-zero waste!
Did you know? The national average houeshold diversion rate is 32.1%?
Energy Efficient Jobs
Workforce development is a critical component of building an economy focused on sustainability and innovation. In 2019, Clark County supported 8,400 energy efficiency jobs. To meet targets of 10,000 jobs by 2040 and 12,000 jobs by 2040, we need to expand access to training and education, particularly among underserved communities.
Leading By Example
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The Vegas Recycling Center, operated by Republic Services, processes more than 2 million pounds of material every day; it is the largest recycling facility in North America. Republic Services is also opening a Polymer Center in 2023, which will be the first single-source facility for plastics recycling in the nation. The more we recycle, and recycle correctly, the less energy and raw materials are needed to produce the goods we use. In 2019, Clark County residents kept over 355,000 tons of solid waste out of the landfill, avoiding an estimated 878,000 MTCO2e.
Preventing Food Waste
Reducing the amount of organic matter, including food waste, that ends up in our landfills is critical for reducing emissions. One example of how large-scale food waste reduction is already being achieved locally can be found at MGM Resorts. Through a partnership with Three Square Food Bank in Las Vegas, MGM Resorts minimizes its food waste while supporting the community. MGM flash freezes leftover food from its events to get it safely to community members in need.
Since 2016, MGM Resorts has donated 1.5 million meals!

Our Actions
Smart Solutions for a Circular Economy
Explore the goals, strategies, and actions in the All-In Community Plan. Click the button to see the progress we've made towards implementing each action!
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Get Smart About Waste
There are many ways to reduce your waste in a responsible way. Learn more!
Incorporate sustainability into your business to reduce emissions and waste
Sustainable Business PracticesGet more use out of your food waste by signing up for a community composting program
Las Vegas Compost