Smart Buildings & Development
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We're All Feeling the Heat
Buildings consume energy and resources at an alarming rate. In fact, they are the largest source of GHG emissions in Clark County with 47.3% of County-wide GHG emissions coming from electricity and natural gas use in buildings and industry. As the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and temperatures increase due to climate change, demand will also increase for cool and safe spaces to protect people from the elements. This has led to a cycle of continual increases in energy usage and utility costs due to demand for cooling. We need to break this cycle by scaling up renewables and improving efficiency.
Taking Action
Meeting Green Building Standards
Clark County is already making strides towards clean and efficient buildings. Did you know that 348 buildings in the County have earned LEED certification since 2009? LEED stands for Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design and is a common green building standard that provides a framework for healthy, efficient, carbon, and cost-saving green buildings.
Prioritizing Efficiency
In order to continue Clark County's progress in the energy transition, we need to take immediate and aggressive action on efficiency. By 2050, all existing residential and commercial space will need to undergo deep efficiency upgrades. To monitor success, the County has set a goal of decreasing the average residential energy use intensity from 88 MMBtu/household in 2019 to 77 MMBtu/household by 2030.
Did you know? The average energy use for a single-family home in the Western U.S. is 74.1 MMBtu/Household.
Leading By Example
Making Energy Upgrades Affordable
Sometimes, efficiency measures can have big up-front costs that prevent building owners from taking action. To solve this, the Cities of Las Vegas and Henderson created Energy Improvement Districts to allow commercial, industrial, and multifamily building owners to pay for energy efficiency and renewable energy through a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program. PACE allows building owners to make energy upgrades without big up-front costs or loans and pay for the upgrades over a long period of time. Clark County is also developing a PACE program. These programs can serve as a model for other jurisdictions looking to promote creative financing mechanisms for energy projects.
Energy Management
Sometimes, efficiency measures can have big up-front costs that prevent building owners from taking action. To solve this, the Cities of Las Vegas and Henderson created Energy Improvement Districts to allow commercial, industrial, and multifamily building owners to pay for energy efficiency and renewable energy through a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program. PACE allows building owners to make energy upgrades without big up-front costs or loans and pay for the upgrades over a long period of time. Clark County is also developing a PACE program. These programs can serve as a model for other jurisdictions looking to promote creative financing mechanisms for energy projects.
Our Actions
Our Pathway to Smart & Sustainable Development
Explore the goals, strategies, and actions in the All-In Community Plan. Use the dropdown table to see the progress we've made towards implementing each action!
See ProgressAre You All-In?
Save Money At Home By Conserving Energy
Support our community's transition to clean and efficient energy use by taking steps to use less energy in your home or business. Learn more and get started with these resources!
Explore incentives to help your business go green
Business Energy ServicesInstall a free smart thermostat with the latest energy-efficient technology to reduce your enery bill and help the planet
PowerShift Smart ThermostatSee if you qualify for weatherization and energy saving assistance for low-income households
Weatherize Your Home and SaveThe Inflation Reduction Act provides rebates that can cover up to 100% of the costs of energy efficient appliances
Federal Rebates for Appliances