Take Action Toolkits

Every individual and family in Clark County can be part of creating a sustainable and resilient community.

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Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles

Energy Efficiency

Water Conservation

Home Electrification

Waste Reduction

Sustainable Water Systems

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Make Your Next Vehicle an EV

Transitioning to a clean, zero-emissions electric vehicle not only reduces your contribution to Clark County's greenhouse gas emissions, but also improves local air quality. Follow these steps to start your EV journey:

STEP 1: Understand the different types of EVs and how they work.

STEP 2: Get the facts on common EV myths.

EV Mythbusting Fact Sheet

STEP 3: Find the right EV for you.

STEP 4: Access rebates and incentives to lower costs.

STEP 5: Find a dealer and local chargin stations.

STEP 6: Spread the word.

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Home Electrification

Burning fossil fuels in our homes worsens air quality, contributes to climate change, and can make utility bills higher or less stable. Follow these steps to find and implement electrification strategies that work for you home:

STEP 1: Lean why electrification matters.

STEP 2: Understand your electrification options.

STEP 3: Assess your current home energy and explore savings potential.

STEP 4 (HOMEOWNERS): Get a personalized plan to electrify.

STEP 4 (RENTERS): Choose your electrification path.

STEP 6: Spread the word.

Las Vegas Home 589

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Maximize Your Energy Efficiency

The amount of energy we use in our homes and businesses is dependent on the efficiency of our appliances. By upgrading to energy efficient options, we can continue to enjoy the same comfortable living conditions while limiting energy waste and environmental impact.

STEP 1: Understand efficiency and why it matters.

STEP 2: Assess your current home energy efficiency and efficiency options

STEP 4: Add on discounted energy-efficient home items.

STEP 5: Spread the word

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Reduce Your Waste

What we consume and how much we dispose of has a significant impact on our environment and contribution to climate change. Follow these steps to make smarter, healthier consumer choices to reduce your waste.

STEP 2: Get the facts on common waste myths.

STEP 3: Learn about waste management and recycling rules in your community.

STEP 4: Equip yourself with the knowledge you need to reduce your waste.

STEP 6: Spread the word

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Minimize Outdoor Water Use

Wate rused outdoors in Southern Nevada never re-enters our water supply, whyich is already limited. Follow these steps to remove useless grass, limit water waste, and create a sustainable, Water Smart landscape:

STEP 1: Understand water use in Southern Nevada.

STEP 2: Learn about water conservation options

STEP 3: See available financial incentives and rebates.

STEP 4: Assess your current outdoor water use and make a plan.